
It takes gallons of wine to quiet the blood

I spent all day being lazy and recovering from my awesome MidPoint weekend. I really think that this year I saw some of my favorite bands ever. Too bad the weather wasn't nicer. I'm sure I'll have more to say later (including an update on a band from last year) but that's it for now.

I really just wanted to update the fund raising efforts of the Sad & British Tour of the Motherland. I'm proud to announce that I've raised $40 so far. Thanks to donations from Meggan, Summer and even Shawn we've blown right by my original goal of $5. Now, I've set a new goal of $10,000. Why not aim high, huh? So pass this link around to your billionaire friends and let's make this happen! Only seven weeks to go!

Seriously, though, you guys are great for actually sending me money. There will be toasts in your honor.

1 comment:

Carrie G said...

Aww, MidPoint. I'm coming back next year!