I'm a sucker for Christmas music. Every November, I wrangle up all my holiday songs and create a Christmas playlist on my iPod. These days it's up to 721 songs. I'm not picky, I'll take every kind of Christmas music, especially if it's free.
Which brings me to today's awesome find. I heard this fun Christmas song that had all the twee tinkling and clever lyrics that makes a tune irresistible to me. The Shazam app on my Droid told me it was "You'll Never Find My Christmas" by Bishop Allen, one of my favorite indie bands. My searches on Amazon and iTunes failed to find the song, though. It wasn't until I used the power of Google that I solved the mystery.
That song and 13 others is part of a compilation from Target. I probably would have bought the album, but they're giving it away FREE on their website. So go download it and start rocking out to your hipster Christmas. I especially love "Toy Jackpot" by Blackalicious. It looks like I have a few more songs to add to my Christmas playlist.
Tippy and I had an exciting 30 minutes in the photo studio at work today. Much like any supermodel, even the power of tuna couldn't make him completely comfortable in front of the camera. Bil managed to get some really fun photos, though, which has actually motivated me to send out Christmas cards this year. Here are a couple you might enjoy:
It's true. I'm blogging again, for a couple reasons.
1. Lost is off the air so there's not much good on tv anymore.
2. I'm going to South by Southwest next March and I need some place to write about it all.
So, what have you missed? Let's see, I'm back in journalism, I moved to York, PA and Tippy is still awesome. In fact, we're getting our Christmas card photo taken this weekend. hopefully he'll be at his best that day.
While I sort through hundreds of songs and plan my SXSW adventure, I'll try and post updates about music and other stuff I enjoy. Here's a list of a few things I've been loving lately to get us started:
The Walking Dead - You're watching this new show on AMC aren't you? Aren't you? I know I said tv wasn't as good since Lost left, but I may be changing my mind. This past Sunday's episode went by so fast I couldn't believe an hour had passed. Now that I think of it, the show is a lot like the zombie season of Lost that Darlton always promised us.
Mumford & Sons - Sad, British folk rock meets early Wilco style alt-country? Sign me up! Start with "Little Lion Man" and go from there.
Looking in windows - The end of daylight saving time make this easier. I don't mean staring in windows in a creepy way, just that quick glimpse of others' lives you get as you drive by their lit up windows in the dark. All those other people going about their business on a chilly evening - I find it comforting.
Gavin & Stacey - You know how the British come up with all these funny, heartwarming sitcoms then the Americans remake them and ruin everything? I fear it's only a matter of time before that happens to this great show about an odd couple and all their friends. You can stream it on Netflix, or sometimes catch it on BBC America. Either way it's a sweet little show worth checking out.
I don't know if you've heard, but the sixth and final season of Lost starts on Tuesday. I know, I know it might help if there was an ad on TV every 5 seconds so we could be warned about these things.
Way back in season three (I think it was three, maybe it was two) Jeff and Meggan and I would meet every week to watch the show. Snacks and drinks were involved and soon our own informal drinking game developed. Mostly it was a way to deal with the constant bellowing from Michael about "My Boy!!!" but it adapted to new characters and themes as the seasons continued.
So in time for the season premiere, I give you the unofficial Lost drinking game. Since the writers keep promising the return of old characters, I'll include some suggestions for them as well. Feel free to offer your own pointers and be sure to have a beer or two on hand Tuesday night.
Take a drink whenever:
calls someone by a nickname
gets beaten up
takes off his shirt
breaks his leg
acts crazy
calls someone "dude"
talks to a dead character
joins an expedition even though they tell her not to come
makes out with Sawyer
makes out with Jack
Daniel Faraday
gives someone his "crazy eyes"
tells someone that it's too complicated/he doesn't have time to explain a theory
calls someone "brother"
talks to a dead character
sings "You All Everybody"
does heroin
mentions "My baby!"
mentions "My boy!"
mentions "My husband"
When any character
mentions any version of "we have to go back"
asks, "Do you know what lies in the shadow of the statue?"
sees The Numbers (4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42)
sees Vincent
Finish your drink whenever
anyone actually leaves the island
a main character dies
Of course, there's always room for additions, especially as the sixth season continues. Let me know if I missed anything!