
The more you know, the more you grow

I've made it back to Milwaukee after my road trip through the great north woods of Minnesota and I've come back a little wiser. Here are some things I learned:

  • A well-managed balance of sugar and caffeine is really the key to long distance driving.
  • Always bring your swimsuit - everywhere!
  • Wisconsin drivers should really look into that cruise control thing they have on their car. It can be very handy!
  • One word for the new Coldplay album, "overproduced."
  • When tubing on a river your constant mantra should be "asses up."
  • Minneapolis' radio station 89.3 The Current is perhaps the greatest on the planet. Seriously, check it out.
  • Fargo, North Dakota smells like Iowa.
  • Don't eat the guacamole at Campaneros, the salsa's not great either. In fact you should just stick to the margaritas.
  • Maggie's new mix CD is excellent to listen to while driving through corn fields.
  • Penguins are merely a figment of our imagination.
So I'm driving back from Brew City today and I promise there will be pictures and more stories soon. It will be worth the wait.


Kelly said...

I kinda like overproduced music. See: Garbage, Kelly's love of.

Trevor Record said...

Welcome back?

Eileen said...

Yes, I'm back! Now it's back to work and all that stuff. Photos will be coming forthwith.