The word "twee" is often bandied about when describing Belle and Sebastian's music. It is cute. They write sweet little tunes about the dramas of everyday life. And they're not afraid to rhyme. It's probably singer Stuart Murdoch's vocals that earn that label the most, though. His voice is as soft and wispy as a half sheet of premium toilet paper (How's that for a simile?).
What makes Belle and Sebastian the literary magazine staff of indie rock is their lyrics. Those everyday dramas get poured over and twisted into beautiful and endless couplets. They take pride in all those rhymes which can make them seem thoughtful or pompous. You make the call.
So today's album is Dear Catastrophe Waitress. It's my second favorite Belle and Sebastian album after Tigermilk. Close listeners who also have my last mix CD will spot "If She Wants Me" and another favorite of mine "Piazza, New York Catcher." It's a very listenable album and something I like to break out fairly regularly. Belle and Sebastian are known for their passionate fans, though, I can't really say I'm one of them. Even though I worked for the literary magazine in high school, I never edited it.
I edited it... two years in a row... but I don't own a Belle & Sebastian album. hmmm... obviously something has been missing from my life for the past decade or so.
Weird...I just listened to Belle and Sebastian last night. I listened to 'The Life Pursuit' though, so I'm not as cool as you.
But it did totally remind me of your call for bad wedding songs a while ago when I listened to the song, 'Meat and Potatoes.' Did anyone mention that one? It's awesome. I want it for a wedding song.
Glad you had a good time with the j-money fun and frivolity tour a couple of weekends ago, by the way.
Oh... bad wedding songs... here's a query for you.... I'm totally taken with "She" by Elvis C. as a "Father-Daughter dance" song, but wanted to check with you, oh music guru, to see if it passed your test. I know you're not into the sappy Elvis, but that song just makes me smile, and though I don't think it appropriate for a 1st dance song... "she may be the love that cannot hope to last"... it does seem kind of sweet for that other dance. what do you think, ej?
While it's always fun to analyze the lyrics of songs, I do think there's a limit. If you like a song, you like it and it has a specail meaning for you. So I say (as I do with so many things concerning Elvis Costello) go for it!
You're right about me not liking sappy Elvis, but I'm a huge fan of "I'm in the Mood Again" from North. Have you heard thatalbum, you might really like it.
thanks for the go-ahead! It's on my list! Planning the music has come before the official engagement with us, but hey, it's important. ;-)
Haven't heard of that group... will check it out!
Oops, I mean North is the name of the Elvis Costello album. He wrote it when his marriage was falling apart but he was falling in love with Diana Krall. the first half is all sad love, the second half is all happy love.
doh! that makes sense now that I read it again.... Matt probably has it at home. Will check it out!
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